Category: TRAVEL

Travelling sustainably: Lonely Planet’s guide to not killing the earth while you holiday

Man airport plane travel

Think off-grid camps, community stays, responsible wildlife encounters, cultural immersion tours, conservation opportunities, green hotels and more, the new guide book by Lonely Planet, available this March, has the Earth’s back. “While the global tourism industry has made great strides towards sustainability in recent years, achieving sustainable tourism is a continuous process,” Lonely Planet says. “This process is reflected in our book. When we asked travel writers from around the globe to tell us about their favourite sustainable travel accommodation and experiences, their top picks covered the spectrum of sustainability. Some options had sustainability at heart from conception, while others have made a concerted effort to improve. What unites them, is a commitment to enacting positive change.” How to use the book… There’re five chapters, each alongside a theme of escape: Nature, Relaxation, Culture, Urban and Learning. Within each chapter, the profiles are labelled with the key sustainability features you can enjoy while staying at the hotel or participating in the tour. Check it all out and get your own at the Lonely Planet website.

Australian’s travel guide essentials for your next trip to Italy


“According to The Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, there were 978,421 Australian citizens who visited Italy in 2017, making it the 6th most popular overseas destination,” says Roberto Carozza, a travel expert from Mr Carozza continues that say, “And it’s easy to see why, Italy provides a beautiful holiday destination and an incredible travelling experience for backpackers. The long Mediterranean coastline and beautiful landscapes provide the perfect haven for those looking to take a relaxing break. Not to mention the country is steeped in interesting history and has a unique culture.” If you’re an Australian citizen wishing to explore the ancient ruins of Rome, or you want to immerse yourself in the aroma of Venice, then check out our essential travel guide for Italy. Italy’s Entry and Exit Requirements Italy is a member of the Schengen State (along with various other European countries), this means that you can enter without a visa, if you are from a country who is also a member of the Schengen State. If you aren’t upon arrival into the country, then you’ll be issued with a short period visa, or the common Schengen Visa upon arrival. The common Schengen Visa allows you to stay in the country for a maximum of 90 days over a six month period. Visa and other entry and exit conditions (such as currency, customs, and quarantine regulations) are subject to change at short notice. If you aren’t sure about your visa requirements then you must contact your nearest Embassy of Italy… Read More

Everything you need to know about Australian citizen visas for Spain


Did you know that Spain was the third most visited country in 2016? Approximately 75.6 million tourists flocked to the beautiful European country. Of that number, The Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Spain was Australia’s 22nd largest short-term destination. In the year ended September 2017, 88,500 Australian residents returned from Spain following a short-term visit overseas. There are many beautiful sights to see and cities to visit in Spain, so if you are planning your next holiday to Seville or you are wanting to go backpacking in Barcelona, you need to check out our travel essential guide. Travelling to Spain as a Tourist If you are an Australian citizen who is a member of the Schengen States, and you’re travelling to Spain as a tourist, then you don’t need to get a visa before arriving in the country. The Schengen States include: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. However, if you’re an Australian citizen from a non-Schengen State, then you’ll be issued with a short period visa, or the common Schengen Visa upon arrival. The common Schengen Visa allows you to stay in the country for a maximum of 90 days over a six month period. If you are wanting to do some travelling, you need to note that this type of visa means the entire Schengen State area and not just an individual area. So if you want to… Read More

What travel really does for you

Man airport plane travel

Getting away from where you’re currently situated, and heading off to a completely new part of the world is one of the greatest things you can do in life. We’re naturally hunters and gatherers, you know? It might not feel that way because we’re all pretty domesticated, and we have to stay in one place for society to function properly, but our bodies and minds are supposed to explore. Nothing is supposed to be locked in a cage, and being cooped up in your own hometown for years and years may as well be the same as a pair of handcuffs.  Hopping on a plane, a train, or an automobile, and getting to see what the world has to offer is a must for absolutely everyone. Yes. Everyone. You, too! Even if you’re pretty shy and get a little anxious at the thought of it, you should still jump at the opportunity. You won’t regret it, and it would increase the quality of your life tenfold. Sure, some parts might be quite difficult, and it’s quite challenging to sleep on a plane, but the majority of this stuff makes your life so much better. Still unsure? Still need a little convincing? Want to know a few things that travel can really do for you? Well, read on and see:     Allow You To Break Free From The Status Quo Every single day, you wake up and go to work. You might not be in the strictest of routines, but you’re in a routine anyway. There’s nothing… Read More

Sleeping on a plane: How to do it right

Sleep plane

When travelling by plane internationally, your flight may be exhausting, boring, or even make you nervous. That is due to the long hours spent on one seat. In order to avoid getting trapped in that circle of boredom, you need to accept the flight as an ordinary day. That means you should adjust your daily routines to the plane conditions. While drinking, sleeping, and entertainment aren’t usually a problem, many people find sleeping impossible or really difficult. It’s because of the lack of space, comfort, and the fact you are sleeping in a nearly sitting position. But, that doesn’t mean it should be a bad experience. Actually, if you know how to prepare for a good rest, you will certainly sleep like a baby. Below, you will find tips on how to sleep well while travelling on a plane. So, put your Bluetooth headphones on and sweet dreams. Book A Direct Flight Or The Most Direct Route (If Possible) Not everyone can afford a direct flight because they can get really expensive. But, if you can find a good deal, book it right away. In fact, it would be a good idea to book a red-eye flight because those flights are direct, yet cheaper. Plus, you won’t disrupt your sleeping pattern (sleeping during the night). If you can’t afford a direct flight, find one that doesn’t require you to change planes, even if it has stopovers. In this way, you won’t have to wake up to get on another plane. Pack The Items You Need… Read More

A new way to discover Barcelona: EDITION, TokyoBike and B-Guided show you how

Barcelona bike

For the times you just want someone to have done the hard work for you, Barcelona is obviously where you need to go. EDITION hotel in Barcelona, on the edge of El Born District, in the heart of the city, beside the Barcelona Cathedral and right next to the Santa Caterina Market, is not only centrally located, but central to a good time, too. They’ve teamed up with TokyoBike, to offer custom-built EDITION bikes to guests, with a curated series of Barcelona maps, created in collaboration with cult Catalonian city guide, B-guided. Say ‘hello’ to an easy holiday of exploration. For the bike rider hidden in us all, the deal is available when you book the tokyobike x The Barcelona EDITION stay package and covers pretty much all the good parts of the city you’d want to see. Think: Barceloneta – a very traditional location next to the beach. El Born – the city’s most modern and creative area. Montjuïc – Burtsting with culture, the area is home to museums, monuments and historical sites. El Raval – located in the very heart of Barcelona, it is a hub where contemporary arts meets cool Catalunian culture. For more, see the EDITION Barcelona website.

Transform your travel goals with Lonely Planet’s new guide

Couple travel travelling

What do you get out of travelling? Are you after personal growth? Wanting to see new things? A change? Whatever the reason, you’re not alone and there’s something to be taken from any and every experience you find yourself in. Lonely Planet cottoned on to this and asked 7,500 members of its dedicated community of travellers from around the world the same sort of question with 92% of respondents saying they see travel as “an opportunity for positive change” 68% saying they now care more about sustainable travel than they used t, leaving 60% who view travel as more of an opportunity for personal growth than they previously did. They’ve even brought out a new book; purposed the help guide travellers on their way to ticking-off some of the more pressing goals they had in mind before jumping on board the plane. Goals are about a life filled with variety and self-discovery. Each goal is enriching in some way, either because it’s about forging stronger connections with the natural world, helping a community clear a coastline of plastic, or spending a week on silent retreat, they say. Every goals contributes to a good trip and vice-versa, so it’s time to start ticking some of them off! To celebrate the release of Travel Goals, Lonely Planet has teamed up with World Nomads to give visitors to the chance of winning an AUD $5,000 Travel Goals pack – to help inspire them to create positive, life-changing travel experiences.

Time for some bucket list inspiration: Consider these ideas

Woman travel bridge

We can all agree, that we can often get stuck in a rut when it comes to booking our vacations. We can often prefer to stick with what we know, after all, for some a vacation only happens just once a year. So it has to be right first time. But, because we can be a little fearful of the unknown, we can be less inclined to revert to our bucket lists and try somewhere new, even though we all would love to visit some of these places or do some of these things at some point in our lives. With that in mind, here are some of once in a lifetime experiences that are worthy of your bucket list, hopefully inspiring you to consider something a little different for this years vacation.  Image source – Pixabay – CC0 License  Witness the Northern Lights One of the most spectacular things to witness in the sky is the Northern Lights. The Aurora dance can only be seen at certain times of the year and you need to travel as far north as you can to really make the most of it. Countries like Iceland or Finland are some of the most popular ways to see them. While you are there, you could also make the most of other ways to enjoy your holiday. Exploring in the snow and even searching out Lapland.  A safari or wilderness experience  Maybe you like the idea of being in the wilderness and exploring, then a safari or trek could be… Read More

Top holiday destinations for Latinos in 2019

Sea bay ocean cliff

When it comes to holidays and travelling, few people do it better than Latinos. According to statistics from the National Tour Association (NTA), Hispanics in the US spend over $56 billion in vacations and leisure travel every year. Also, Hispanics are noted as being the fastest-growing demographic in the States. As the number of Latinos and their purchasing power grows, these fun-loving people are increasingly looking for new and exciting holiday destinations. If you are planning a trip for the summer, and you’re looking for ideas, you’ve definitely come to the right place. We’ll take a brief look at how you should choose a great vacation location as well as a few ideas on some great destinations. How to Choose a Great Holiday Location. Ok, you’ve been dreaming of your summer vacation all year, and now, it’s almost here. There’s just one big question on your mind, where exactly should you go? As Sophia King, travel expert from says: “Answering the big question becomes more comfortable when you can answer a few smaller questions. For example – How much is your budget? How many people are travelling with you? Are you someone that loves the rough, rugged outdoors, or are you looking to be pampered and waited on? Are you planning a romantic summer vacation, or is this a girls’ time out thing? The clearer your answers to these questions are, the easier it’ll be to make a decision.” If you’re worried about taking time off work, it’s worth checking out some of the… Read More

Moving abroad? Here’s how you can make it feel more like home

Man lying on floor in airport departure lounge

Moving abroad or owning a second home abroad comes with many challenges, one of which is making your new house feel like home. Not only are you moving to a new house you’re also moving into a new culture, but the destination and a lot is also going to be different and fell different. This is when homesickness normally strikes meaning it is really important to get your new house feeling like home.  Image by Thanks for your Like • donations welcome from Pixabay  Nobody wants to move and feel insecure, homesick and not comfortable and making your house feel more like home can help with all of these. Have a look below at some of the easy things you can do to help make your new house feel like home: Change The Decor Decorating is one of the quickest ways to add your own stamp on to a new home. It’s very rare to come across of property that you’ve moved into that is already exactly to your tastes and preferences. Unless you opt to buy a brand new home where you get to pick and choose things such as the kitchen, chances are there are a fair few things you would alter in order to feel at home. This can lead to homesickness quickly and sometimes mean that you feel a little lost in your new place. When you’ve moved abroad it’s even more essential to get the homely feeling, of course after a large move it’s not always possible to decorate everything… Read More