Top holiday destinations for Latinos in 2019

Sea bay ocean cliff

When it comes to holidays and travelling, few people do it better than Latinos.

According to statistics from the National Tour Association (NTA), Hispanics in the US spend over $56 billion in vacations and leisure travel every year. Also, Hispanics are noted as being the fastest-growing demographic in the States. As the number of Latinos and their purchasing power grows, these fun-loving people are increasingly looking for new and exciting holiday destinations.

If you are planning a trip for the summer, and you’re looking for ideas, you’ve definitely come to the right place. We’ll take a brief look at how you should choose a great vacation location as well as a few ideas on some great destinations.

How to Choose a Great Holiday Location.

Ok, you’ve been dreaming of your summer vacation all year, and now, it’s almost here. There’s just one big question on your mind, where exactly should you go?

As Sophia King, travel expert from says:

Answering the big question becomes more comfortable when you can answer a few smaller questions.

For example – How much is your budget? How many people are travelling with you? Are you someone that loves the rough, rugged outdoors, or are you looking to be pampered and waited on? Are you planning a romantic summer vacation, or is this a girls’ time out thing?

The clearer your answers to these questions are, the easier it’ll be to make a decision.

If you’re worried about taking time off work, it’s worth checking out some of the great ways you can generate income while you travel.

Our Favorite Holiday Destinations for Latinos

Whether you’re a Latino or just looking to have a Latino-themed vacation, here are a few great destinations.

 Costa Rica

Also known as the land of Pura Vida (pure and great living), Costa Rica is a beautiful place, as well as one of the greenest countries in the world. It’s an excellent choice for a family holiday, or if you just want to enjoy nature. Some of the great attractions at this picturesque location areThe Peninsula Papagayo (known for its lovely beaches and resorts). The Manuel Antonio National Park is also an excellent place for a family visit. Hiking, natural trails and oh so much more.


If you’re a connoisseur of tasty food, lovely sights and wildlife, Ecuador would be like heaven to you. From the turtle-laden Galapagos Islands, to the old city of Quito, built on the side of the Pichincha Volcano is considered one of the best preserved historic districts in South America . Various tourist attractions include local breweries and  restaurants.


Looking for a cheap backpacking holiday, check out Antigua in Guatemala  The old, rustic atmosphere is combined with some lovely hot springs. Take a hiking trip and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is ideal for a romantic or personal getaway. In fact, if you allow it, the natural beauty and cheap prices can make you consider staying longer than originally planned.


Can’t afford a trip to an exotic greek island? Worry not, Brazil is home to many beaches and beach towns. One of such is Paraty. This beach town is between Sao Paulo and Rio. The city is quaint, beautiful and perfect for swimming, or sliding down natural waterfalls.

So, there you have it! Our top picks of holiday destinations for fun-seeking Latinos this year. Which one will you choose?