Tag: how to travel

What travel really does for you

Man airport plane travel

Getting away from where you’re currently situated, and heading off to a completely new part of the world is one of the greatest things you can do in life. We’re naturally hunters and gatherers, you know? It might not feel that way because we’re all pretty domesticated, and we have to stay in one place for society to function properly, but our bodies and minds are supposed to explore. Nothing is supposed to be locked in a cage, and being cooped up in your own hometown for years and years may as well be the same as a pair of handcuffs.  Hopping on a plane, a train, or an automobile, and getting to see what the world has to offer is a must for absolutely everyone. Yes. Everyone. You, too! Even if you’re pretty shy and get a little anxious at the thought of it, you should still jump at the opportunity. You won’t regret it, and it would increase the quality of your life tenfold. Sure, some parts might be quite difficult, and it’s quite challenging to sleep on a plane, but the majority of this stuff makes your life so much better. Still unsure? Still need a little convincing? Want to know a few things that travel can really do for you? Well, read on and see:     Allow You To Break Free From The Status Quo Every single day, you wake up and go to work. You might not be in the strictest of routines, but you’re in a routine anyway. There’s nothing… Read More

Lonely Planet’s new travel quiz book will test you

Girl backpack travel photo

While you may have been to Nice, the Isle of Greece and sipped champagne on a yacht, doesn’t mean you’re the world’s foremost travel guru. Or, does it? There’s only one way to find out and that’s with Lonely Planet’s newest piece, the Ultimate Travel Quiz book. “This book is billed as a ‘travel’ quiz, but really it’s an ‘everything’ quiz,” writes Editor Joe Fullman in his Introduction. “After all, travel is about experiencing all the world has to offer, so we’ve tried to cram as much of the planet into these pages as we can. You’ll be tested on everything from capitals to currencies, tallest buildings to longest rivers, national dishes to international airports, ancient empires to modern art galleries, the deepest lakes to the biggest oceans, and even outer space – perhaps the greatest travel adventure of all.” Test you knowledge of countries and capitals, see if you know how many countries share a border with China, or which part of France a bouillabaisse comes from. Lonely Planet’s Ultimate Travel Quiz Book is split into three chapters: Day-Tripper: A gentle introduction to the world of travel quizzing. Traveller: A bit more challenging. Explorer: Taking it up another notch, these questions are occasionally downright fiendish. There are 100 quizzes in all, most of which have 20 questions, amounting to a grand total of just over 2000. The majority are general knowledge, covering a wide selection of topics and regions – the whole planet is represented.  Get that brain working and the travel bug biting and find your… Read More

No1 Airport Lounges open The House in Melbourne and Sydney International Airports

No1 Melbourne Bar

No longer do you need to be basic find yourself sitting outside of the luxury of the the flight lounges at Melbourne and Sydney airports like the proverbial naughty puppy dog left out in the rain. No1 Lounges have opened in Sydney and Melbourne International Airports, giving all manner of travellers access to something to look forward to – other than duty-free shopping – before you board your long haul flight out of Oz. They’ve kicked off their terminal take over with their flagship brand, The House, opening its doors – provided you’ve got the dollars – to all travellers, regardless of the airline brand name on their ticket. From just $80 per person, you can relax in first-class comfort for up to three hours prior to departure, with the option to buy additional hours online in advance, or on arrival at the lounge. It’s $90 at the door per person, if you’re feeling a bit more lush and don’t have the foresight to plan ahead. No1 Lounges at Sydney and Melbourne International Airports offer a choice of seating areas, unrivalled airport views, showers, and unlimited Wi-Fi, as well as television, newspapers, glossy magazines and charging points as standard. If you’re feeling yourself a bit more, you can upgrade your experience and enjoy white-linen a la carte dining, a fully tended bar that offers premium wines, beers and spirits, champagne and classic cocktails and barista coffees. Where’s The House in Sydney? Inside Terminal 1 (Qantas), this 8000 square foot lounge has 120 seats, with immediate views… Read More