Tag: Lonely Planet Travel Goals book

Transform your travel goals with Lonely Planet’s new guide

Couple travel travelling

What do you get out of travelling? Are you after personal growth? Wanting to see new things? A change? Whatever the reason, you’re not alone and there’s something to be taken from any and every experience you find yourself in. Lonely Planet cottoned on to this and asked 7,500 members of its dedicated community of travellers from around the world the same sort of question with 92% of respondents saying they see travel as “an opportunity for positive change” 68% saying they now care more about sustainable travel than they used t, leaving 60% who view travel as more of an opportunity for personal growth than they previously did. They’ve even brought out a new book; purposed the help guide travellers on their way to ticking-off some of the more pressing goals they had in mind before jumping on board the plane. Goals are about a life filled with variety and self-discovery. Each goal is enriching in some way, either because it’s about forging stronger connections with the natural world, helping a community clear a coastline of plastic, or spending a week on silent retreat, they say. Every goals contributes to a good trip and vice-versa, so it’s time to start ticking some of them off! To celebrate the release of Travel Goals, Lonely Planet has teamed up with World Nomads to give visitors to lonelyplanet.com/explore-every-day/competition the chance of winning an AUD $5,000 Travel Goals pack – to help inspire them to create positive, life-changing travel experiences.