Tag: Lonely Planet travel quiz

Lonely Planet’s new travel quiz book will test you

Girl backpack travel photo

While you may have been to Nice, the Isle of Greece and sipped champagne on a yacht, doesn’t mean you’re the world’s foremost travel guru. Or, does it? There’s only one way to find out and that’s with Lonely Planet’s newest piece, the Ultimate Travel Quiz book. “This book is billed as a ‘travel’ quiz, but really it’s an ‘everything’ quiz,” writes Editor Joe Fullman in his Introduction. “After all, travel is about experiencing all the world has to offer, so we’ve tried to cram as much of the planet into these pages as we can. You’ll be tested on everything from capitals to currencies, tallest buildings to longest rivers, national dishes to international airports, ancient empires to modern art galleries, the deepest lakes to the biggest oceans, and even outer space – perhaps the greatest travel adventure of all.” Test you knowledge of countries and capitals, see if you know how many countries share a border with China, or which part of France a bouillabaisse comes from. Lonely Planet’s Ultimate Travel Quiz Book is split into three chapters: Day-Tripper: A gentle introduction to the world of travel quizzing. Traveller: A bit more challenging. Explorer: Taking it up another notch, these questions are occasionally downright fiendish. There are 100 quizzes in all, most of which have 20 questions, amounting to a grand total of just over 2000. The majority are general knowledge, covering a wide selection of topics and regions – the whole planet is represented.  Get that brain working and the travel bug biting and find your… Read More