Tag: health

Not all hand sanitisers are created equal, which is why you need La Clinica sani in your life

La Clinica sanitiser

An effective hand sanitiser (one formulated to the Centre of Disease Control guidelines for the response of COVID-19) is going to be your best friend for the foreseeable future, so you’ll want to choose one that’s gentle on your skin and doesn’t smell like a hospital.  With so many variations of sani out there, it’s worth noting the gold standard is a sanitiser with at least 60 – 80 percent alcohol, as this is the percentage level required to kill the virus. Sanitisers with less than 60 percent alcohol are not as effective at killing germs outright. Enter La Clinica, a 100% Australian owned and operated skin care manufacturer located in Melbourne, who have created an all-purpose hand sanitiser made with lemon oil, echinacea extract, panthenol and alcohol (70%v/v). Made in Australia, it has antibacterial protection to kill 99.9% germs quickly and 96.5% of the ingredients are Australian. We love that it’s locally made.  The sani comes in a gel and spray version. For the handbag or backpack, you’ll want to throw in the cute 100ml ‘All-purpose hand sanitiser spray’ (RRP $9.99) for when you’re out and about. And the elegantly packaged 500ml ‘All-purpose hand sanitiser gel’ (RRP $19.99) won’t look out of place, strategically positioned at the entrance of your home or office. 

Putting your health and wellbeing first: Kicking addiction to the curb

Cigarette smoke smoking

The word addiction is regularly used with a negative connotation attached. This labels a person as being at the mercy of a thing, substance, program, activity at the expense of his or her own family life, health, wellbeing, finances. Whatever your addiction is, it’s personal to you, and if you choose to share your problems with others, that’s your choice, but, the number one most important person that can help you right now to do anything…is you. Realisation You’ve already achieved the first step because you are reading this post – it’s realising you have an addiction. For example, knowing and admitting to yourself that your chain-smoking has become out of control and is affecting your health, relationships, and finances show that you have a good sense of self-awareness and are interested in kicking your addiction aside. Reason Before setting goals, what is the real reason behind wanting to put a halt to your addiction? And dig deep. Your why is what will give you the willpower to struggle through when you’re beginning to have cravings. It’s what will reason you out of spiralling out of control. Whether you’re in debt because of buying expensive substances and need to stop or risk losing your home, or your addiction is ruining your relationship with someone you care about and so you urgently want to seek porn addiction counselling, or perhaps you’re concerned about the impact your addiction to technology is having on your children. Everyone has a reason to get them to do or not to… Read More

Benefits of regular exercise for people with anxiety

Exercise weights

Exercise has a lot of benefits including fighting illnesses and enhancing physical condition, which is why many physicians encourage people to engage in physical activities to reduce the risk of certain diseases, and to control weight. In addition to the physical benefits of exercise, it is also considered vital for improving concentration and cognitive function, as well as managing anxiety. When you exercise, your body release endorphins, which reduces your perception of pain, and act as mood elevators. Let’s take a look at the benefits of regular exercise for reducing symptoms of anxiety. Improves mood Endorphins are “feel-good” chemicals that can relieve pain and stress. When it is released during exercise, it works like opioids in that it produces a feeling of euphoria typically experienced by people who use opioids after sudden injuries or surgery. Endorphins also help relax the mind, lift your spirits, enhance your overall feeling of wellbeing, and regulate your mood. Additionally, exercise helps reduce the production of the body’s stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which elevate your blood pressure, increase heart rate, and lead to symptoms associated with the fight or flight response. Helps release physical tension Any form of exercise, from yoga to aerobics, does your body good. Even a daily walk in the park can release physical tightness and tension throughout the body – physical symptoms commonly experienced by people with anxiety. When you feel anxious, it’s likely that you are also harboring extra energy that can fuel your anxious thoughts – running a few miles or… Read More

Suggestions for living a healthier lifestyle

Woman fitness back muscles

Managing your health is one of those things that we all know that we should give our full undivided attention, but the general fuss of our daily lives can get in the way. This can be the case regardless of where you currently fall on the spectrum of fitness, and one of the difficult things to remember is that a serious illness that requires treatment like Icon chemotherapy treatment could be waiting just around the corner. So, with that in mind, we are going to take a look at some of the ways you can improve your general health so that you are in better shape no matter what is around the corner. Exercise Any conversation about health should have a section dedicated to maintaining a regular exercise schedule. However, it is important to start off by noting that when we say exercise that is not to suggest that you should be hitting the gym every few hours to bulk up like Hulk Hogan or an MMA fighter. No, what we mean by exercise is to meet the at least the minimum requirements as directed by medical science. So what exactly is that? Well the Mayo clinic advises that we reach a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week with three days of strength training as well. That is far more attainable than you might first think, it effectively requires you to do just over one hour of activity on three days of the week. Photo by stevepb from Pixabay One of… Read More