Tag: tim robards

Still in lockdown? Here are 4 top home workouts by Tim Robards

New South Wales might be kicking goals when it comes to Freedom Day, but for the rest of us – and probably Sydneysiders all over again, let’s be honest – working out at home is still very much a thing. So, we spoke to Tim Robards, Medibank’s Live Better at Home Program ambassador and what’s best to do while we’re there. Here is what he had to share… How have you been maintaining your fitness from home? Like anyone, I definitely am not immune to the challenges that come with lockdowns, both physically and mentally. Now, more than ever; exercise, mindfulness, healthy eating and family time are important priorities. Personally, exercise is something in my life that really feeds my mental resilience. With gyms being closed and a lack of training buddies available, I’ve certainly had to pivot from my usual routine; but I don’t mind a new challenge! To help maintain my fitness and switch things up, I’ve been doing a mix of indoor and outdoor activities. I’ve found that indoors is great for activities like yoga and mobility-based stretching, as well as for meditation, which is something I really enjoy. I’ve been loving meditating with the Medibank Live Better at Home program, which is a great free platform that I’ve been creating some content for. In terms of outdoor exercises, I’ve been making use of my TRM rings in the park and backyard, getting in lots of walking and running, alongside some garage sessions with my adjustable dumbbells. Do you have any exercise… Read More