Closing the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia in great style

MBFWA Mercedes Benz fashion week edition party logo 2

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia has come to a close, which means the weekend edition has ‘come to an open’, giving more way to a continuation of a premium celebration of Australian fashion.

MBFWA Mercedes Benz fashion week edition party crowd

Peacocking against the exposed brick facades of Sydney’s Carriageworks came to a momentary pause as hundreds of fashion lovers and social media types filled the halls, punctuating the week after a successful showcase of Australia’s renowned Camilla label.

Closing the week went off in as much a stylish way as you’d expect, complete with  a red carpet lined entrance with a fluorescent tropics-style space, drawing inspiration from Camilla’s love of colour and effervescent print work.

MBFWA Mercedes Benz fashion week edition party Client Liaison

A DJ set by the masters of infectious turn-of-the-nineties synth pop, Client Liaison, set the scene for guests to dance the night away.

In advance of this weekend of more fashion for the die-hard, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Weekend Edition allows people to gain insider access to the world of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia.

Held on May 18-19, consumers can purchase tickets to a series of runway shows, seminars and style sessions to celebrate the Resort ’19 collections of national and international designers.

MBFWA Mercedes Benz fashion week edition party DJ

MBFWA Mercedes Benz fashion week edition party girls