Tag: Australian food festival

5 dishes to look forward to at this year’s Melbourne Night Noodle Markets

The annual Melbourne Night Noodle Markets are back in Melbourne – and that means food; plenty of food. On from 10-27 November 2022 at Melbourne’s Birrarung Maar, the Melbourne Night Noodle Markets bring the best food providers from Melbourne and the country and stick them right at your doorstep. Here’s what to look forward to… Mr Miyagi, Hoy Pinoy, Mazda x Bumplings, Wonderbao, Gelato Messina, Donut Papi, Flying Noodle and more, this year’s markets are promising Melbournians a feast for the tastebuds.  We’ve compiled five delicous dishes to keep an eye out for: Mr Miyagi’s Bao Burgers – bao buns just got bigger, better and more instagrammable thanks to Windsor’s own Mr Miyagi showing up at the markets! These bao burgers are available exclusively at the markets – so get in quick.  Messina’s Milo Fry Club – deliciously deep fried milo gelato in messinatella (Messina’s own take on everyone’s favourite spread) pudding, oreo crumble topped with warm messinatella. Yes – it’s that good. Mazda x Bumplings Pork & Ginger Dumplings – celebrity chef Brendan Pang’s lip-smacking dumplings filled with pork and just the right amount of ginger.  Flying Noodles –these gravity defying noodles taste even better than they look! Hoy Pinoy’s legendary skewers – just follow the infectious smell of Hoy Pinoy’s unmissable pork, chicken or beef skewers, marinated and barbequed to perfection.