What’s Withings – and why you need them in your home

When you’re staring down coast-after-coast of beach upon beach and the desire to get your kit off and enjoy it’s just that bit too strong, then you want to do your best to channel all the confidence and body positivity, right?

So, with that in mind, welcome to the scene Withings. They’re tech for life, bringing you connectedness to all the bodily insights you’d want and need. Since 2009, when they revolutionised connected health by launching the world’s first Wi-Fi scale in 2009, they’ve grown – big – all in a moving effort to bring meaningful measures into easy-to-use devices to help people take the right decisions for their health.

Today, their ecosystem of connected health devices includes a range of smart scales, stylish activity trackers, a sleep-tracking mat and medical devices such as ECG watch and blood pressure monitors with ECG and digital stethoscope. And more. Here’s what’s the know about some of their top tech.

Hybrid Smartwatch for life

A competitor to any of the other leading fitness smartwatches out there on the market, the luxury craftsmanship meets smart health tracking is what really sets this apart.

It’s been pretty masterfully designed to go with your life, allowing the Steel HR to move with you from the office to the gym and everywhere in-between.

Add to that, the perks you’d expect, like heart rate and multisport tracking, a connected GPS to track pace, elevation, distance, water resistance, and your sleep, it gives you the info you need to smash life.

Multisport Hybrid smartwatch

So, with the same perks as the life version, the Steel HR Sport is a hybrid smartwatch specifically designed for your workout, featuring heart rate monitoring, multisport tracking, connected GPS and a fitness level assessment via VO2 max estimation.

It comes on-top of the other features, like: heart rate & multisport tracking, connected GPS: pace, elevation, distance and heaps more.

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Body Composition Wi-Fi Scale

And becuase all that data is largely useless without something to tie it all together, welcome the high-accuracy weight and full body composition of the wi-fi scales. They’ve taken-on the position of the the beginning of what Withings can do for the world of fitness through Body+ coaches, rewards, and automatically sending all data automatically to the free Health Mate app.

Aesthetically stylish, functionally perfect, envy-inducingly fun to use, Withings is some of the future of wearable fitness tech you need to keep you going. See it all at the Withings website.