Tag: travel antarctica

Scott Portelli’s captivating journey through the world with photography

antarctica iceberg provided

In this insightful article, we delve into a fascinating interview with renowned photographer, Scott, who has spent more than ten years capturing breathtaking visuals in the polar regions. Scott candidly shares his most unforgettable experiences, discusses his unique philosophy toward photography, and offers invaluable tips for shooting in the world’s most challenging conditions. This exclusive interview not only showcases his profound passion for photography but also his deep respect for the environments he works in. Overcoming extreme weather, getting up close with polar wildlife, and continuously adapting on the fly, Scott truly embodies resilience and the spirit of adventure. Join us as we embark on his extraordinary journey through the sublime beauty of Antarctica and the subantarctic and arctic regions. His captivating stories and expert advice will intrigue both budding photographers and seasoned travellers alike. We had a chat with him to understand more about his beautiful world: Scott, having spent over a decade in the polar regions, can you share one of your most unforgettable experiences and how it has impacted your photography? Being in Antarctica is a privilege, to say the least, and pinpointing those special moments can be tricky as each day is surprising and new. One moment that stands out is one morning when I was sitting in my zodiac adrift in the clear, calm waters waiting for operations to commence and unexpectedly a Minke whale began to circle my boat. I was so overwhelmed by the encounter, I even forgot to take a photo. It was at this moment that… Read More