Tag: spanst

IKEA introduces a Los Angeles urban capsule collection inspired by cool with SPÄNST


Available from 28 May, IKEA will introduce a new range of homewares that veritably dump tangible ‘betterness’ all over what you think is good home furniture and style, setting the threshold incredibly high. Yet, affordable. As the Swedish homewares giant gets set to launch a new range, SPÄNST, across the country, it’s almost time to start making-way for what you’ve got, getting the home prepped as a canvas for Los Angeles inspired urban cool furniture and decor. It is all designed in collaboration with designer Chris Stamp from label Stampd, known for its meticulous attention to detail and design that embody modern youth culture with high quality and a minimal look. It’s completely different to the last collection with Danish design duo HAY in YPPERLIG and worlds apart from the collection of Kit Neale in SPRIDD, offering a distinctly urban flavour with black finishings, mesh outers and subtly printed fabrics. Either way you look at it, though, it makes ‘effortlessly cool’ an interiors’ style that is 100% accessible without breaking the bank. “As a fashion designer, I know that people want to show other people their clothes, shoes and accessories. Why spend a lot on a pair of sneakers and hide them in the closet? “I want everyone to be able to take pride in how they display their clothing and footwear, allowing them to appreciate their pieces just as much as when they’re not being worn.” Hence, the collection is all about the mesh wardrobe and great outer finishings, letting the pieces join the home as… Read More