Tag: Skin grooming

Simple skin care help for novices

Woman bathroom

Looking after the skin is important. If you are constantly self conscious about your looks and you want to look naturally beautiful, step away from the concealer and open your heart to toner instead. In the beauty world, your skin is the foundation of the building you create. If the foundation is uneven and wonky, the finished piece won’t look impressive and polished. If you want to look great with makeup, you need to consider maintaining great skin.  Today we want to share some handy skin care tips which will help you keep stunning and glowing skin all year long. Whether you need to use xylocaine for acne, have issues with oil or your complexion is red, we have some great tips and tricks to make your skin healthier.  Get to know your skin type Before you can carve out a routine for your skin care you need to know what your skin type is. If you have never paid attention to your skin type before there is a very simple test you can undertake to find out.  Wash your face and dry it with a flannel. Leave the skin uncovered for 15 minutes. After this time, head over to the mirror and look at your skin closely. Depending on your skin type you will see the following:  Oily- oil all over the face Combination- oil in the T Zone, dry patches elsewhere  Dry – dry patches and peeling  Once you know your skin type you can start to find products to use. Simple 5… Read More