Tag: plastic free swaps

The easiest Plastic Free July swap you’ll ever make

It’s estimated that in 2021 Australians wasted 5,266 tonnes of plastic. It’s little wonder that as we become more aware of the harmful impact mismanaged plastic has on our environment, more of us are taking the time to make smart swaps. Plastic Free July is an entire month dedicated to just that – education and tips and tricks on reducing your plastic footprint! Here at The F, we’re here to tell you about the easiest eco-swap you will ever make – SHAMPOO BARS! What is a shampoo bar you ask? It’s essentially a bar of soap, but made of shampoo. They even come as conditioners as well! The idea is you remove the water, which makes up most of your shampoo ingredients, and keep all the good hair cleaning stuff as a compact bar that you then use in the shower and add water to create a lather while you wash those locks. They’re a truly genius product that’s lower on carbon footprint thanks to being lighter to ship, and fantastic for travel. We road tested the Anihana range, a NZ family-owned brand who handcraft sustainable hair and body care products, and can confirm we’re never going back to shampoo bottles in this house.  Anihana’s shampoo and conditioner bars are all paraben, SLS and sulphate free, whilst also being 100% cruelty and plastic free. If you’re watching your pennies like the rest of us in this economy, you’ll be pleased to know that each bar is the equivalent of using three 250ml bottles worth of… Read More