Tag: lucia di lamermoor about

What to know about Lucia Di Lamermoor this season by Opera Australia

Lucia Di Lamermoor Opera

Opera Australia’s Sydney winter season has kicked-off and first cab off the rank is the renowned Lucia Di Lamermoor by Donizetti back in the 19th Century. Here’s what to know about this season’s production by Opera Australia and director, John Doyle. What is the story about? A tale of love, not well-received, resulting in the gradual decline into insanity. Lucia is truly, madly, deeply in love with a man her whole family despises. When her brother Enrico discovers their love, he is furious, and devises a plot to drive the lovers apart. He does it without thought for her heart, but it is Lucia’s mind that will pay the price for his actions. What is the big music you’ll know from the performance? The tale is known for a lot of reasons, but musically, it’s the sextet, ‘Chi mi frena tal momento’, that probably deserves the title of biggest hit. It’s the aria known for its positioning in the most pivotal point of the production, taking place happens at the height of the story and all of the emotional and dramatic tension of the opera is caught up in this lovely, complex ensemble, as each of the characters sing of their part in the tragedy that is to follow. Have a listen below… For more about Lucia Di Lamermoor and to get yourself a seat, try Opera Australia here.