Tag: Landlord tips

3 important tips for new landlords

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If you’re new to being a landlord, you’re soon going to find out that there are many responsibilities and complications you weren’t expecting. Not letting surprises stop you from moving forward is the same for any business. You should know that being a landlord isn’t a walk in the park, and sometimes you’re going to have much more challenging situations than other times. The experience you have as a landlord will differ from person to person, and it’s up to you to make sure everything goes smoothly.  Take time with tenants Before you start to think about renting your property out to new tenants, keep in mind that you need to take care of who you pick. As hasty as you might be to start seeing some return on your investment, you could be losing money if you choose in too much of a rush. You want to make sure the tenants you rent your property out to are going to be reasonable, as well as able to keep up with the rent. Create a listing online and wait a little bit while looking through the contacts. You can also use an agency to help you pick your tenants, giving you a much better chance of reasonable clients. You might feel like you’re bleeding money, but you’ll regret it when you’re looking into drug testing for rental properties after a bad decision. A property manager can make all of the difference, and they can help to guide you in a field you know nothing about…. Read More