Tag: Ink blot test

What do you see when you look at an ink blot? And how gay are you?

Gay rainbow paint eye

For anyone keen on the history of psychology, sexuality and pretty ink pictures, Queer Ink is the book for you. It’s a journey through academia, exploring the history of the Rorschach inkblot test and its deep roots in the history of homosexuality. Queer Ink: A blotted history towards liberation contextualises the Rorschach ink blot test and embeds it within feminist action and queer liberation. Who’d’ve thought, right? The book uses the ink blot test as a tool through which we can explore and reveal a queer feminist history of Psychology. For example, by unpicking the work of psychologists past, it’s pretty clear that their work was influenced by their own takes on feminism and often queer lives. The author, Katherine Hubbard’s a PhD sociologist who wrote her work titled, ‘A history of the Rorschach ink blot test in Britain: an interdisciplinary, queer feminist approach to one bleeding test’ and now, her work’s made it to book form. Find it at Routledge.