Tag: how to zen

Benefits of having your own Zen sanctuary

Zen garden

In the busy world today, it is very easy to get caught up in all of the hustle and bustle. Sometimes we just need to come home and relax by letting go of all the outside trouble and worries and concentrating on the simple necessity of being calm and steady. You may look around your home and wonder how you can transform it into your own Zen sanctuary to give you and your mind exactly what it is you need – peace. Ambiance The space you create needs to have a positive and warming ambiance. You want to feel relaxed when you walk in the door so that you can truly forget everything at the front step – a great way to do this through scent. The smell of a room can affect your mindset in so many ways. Think of how it is you feel when you walk into a home where someone has just baked bread or made delicious cookies – you inhale and immediately sigh in happiness. You may not have the time to bake bread, but you can certainly buy a candle that smells similar. Essential oils and aromatherapy is another great way to affect the way your space smells while also adding some benefits other than just scent. Oils such as Lavender are great for relaxation and creating calm especially after a long hard day. Comfort Create your sanctuary with things of comfort. Add artwork to your home that makes you feel happy or have your favorite quotes hung up… Read More