Tag: How to save money

Sneaky tricks to do now that will save you money before end of financial year

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With tax time looming, now is the time to think about lodging your annual tax return. Over the coming months, 13 million Australians will be lodge a return. About 84% of them will get a refund, and with the average size of refunds last year exceeding $2,500 for taxpayers lodging through myTax and over $3,450 for those who use tax agents, it pays to spend a little time and effort ensuring you’ve got every detail of your return right. So what are my top tips that you can do between now and tax time for maximising your return this year? The Golden Rules of Tax Deductions If you want to make a claim for work-related expenses, you need to follow the three golden rules: The expense must relate to your work You mustn’t have been reimbursed by your employer You must be able to prove that you spent the money. That means that you must keep receipts, invoices or statements to demonstrate that you actually incurred the expense. H&R Block’s tip is to keep electronic copies of all documentation relating to expenses. Paper receipts get lost or fade, so keeping everything together on your phone or computer will save time and effort when you come to complete your tax return. Get Help There’s a reason why nearly 70% of people use a tax agent to help them do their taxes. Tax is complicated and stressful and if you do it yourself, you’re likely to make a mistake. You might claim something you weren’t entitled to… Read More

Save money on car ownership with these tips

Road trip car

Owning a car makes life much easier, but there is no doubt it can be expensive. It is widely reported that the price of everything seems to be increasing. From buying a second-hand vehicle to filling it with fuel, rising costs seem to be occurring on everything you buy. With living costs so high right now, it is understandable that many people are looking for ways to save money and reduce the cost of running their vehicles. When using your vehicle less is not an option, and you depend on it as your primary means of getting to work and everywhere else you need to be, it is challenging to see where savings can be made. If you want to save money on car ownership and are searching for tips to keep running costs low, you have come to the right place. Take a look at these tips to help reduce the cost of car ownership: Shop smart When it comes to sourcing the auto parts, shopping smart for a vehicle is the best way to choose a car that will keep your costs low. Searching for vehicles that are less expensive to run and have good fuel economy is a great place to start. When trying to save money on car ownership, buying new should be avoided if you intend to sell your car and buy another in a few years. This is because depreciation rates can be shockingly high on new vehicles, and you will lose money quickly. Save money on parts Noticing… Read More

Financial habits worth making

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Are you suffering from financial stress? Signs may include arguing about money, mood swings, depression and difficulty sleeping. In a report conducted by AMP Financial, more than 1.8 million working Australians are dealing with financial stress. Financial stress can stem from: Not developing good financial habits as children Lack of education on how to save money Inability to find work Living beyond one’s means But it’s never too late to develop good financial habits. Keep reading to discover how you can reduce your financial stress. Learn to pay attention to your spending habits The most common mistake people make with their finances is not knowing what’s incoming and outgoing. How many of you ever take a close look at your bank statements? It may be somewhat of a surprise to discover how much you’re actually spending. All those streaming services and long forgotten apps soon add up—$9.99 here, $6.00 there. It doesn’t seem like much when you first sign up. Don’t forget to count the nights where you couldn’t be bothered cooking and opted for Uber Eats, or the designer boots and clothing you purchased on After Pay, or the gym membership you’ve been meaning to cancel but haven’t. There is little wonder as to why so many people are living payday to payday. Our financial experts recommend auditing your bank statement. Use a highlighter to mark everything you’re not sure of, or anything you no longer use and cancel them! You don’t need all TV streaming services, so pick your favourite and change them… Read More