Tag: Houseplant guide

The top 5 questions to solve your first-time plant parenting problems

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During these times of isolation, we have seen more people than ever busying themselves with new veggie patch ventures, making their own compost, and looking for ways to bring the outside world of nature indoors with plants. As a horticulturist and owner of Leaf an Impression, as well as an avid plant collector for over 10 years, I’m passionate about sharing the benefits of greening our living spaces and helping newcomers get started, so here are the top five questions I commonly get asked by new plant enthusiasts and the answers to get you on your way to that urban jungle dream. What’s so great about having indoor plants? Plants are seriously great for our health and wellbeing and as the Plant Life Balance simple science notes, this is something that has been deeply researched for over fifty years – research which has found that plants remove airborne toxins from the air and can create feelings of relaxation, inspiration and positivity. Plus, plants are a great way to finish your interiors – they soften a space and help tie all the elements together. How do I know what plants to choose? There is plenty of inspiration to be found in the plant-realm of social media, but before you buy, tail it to your local nursery with screenshots of your favourite plants along with where you plan to put them in your home. It pays to understand what conditions your prospective new fronds will be growing in – is the room brightly lit, does it only… Read More