All men need to read Male Order by GQ for good reason
Despite what people think, being a man can be hard. There’s the pressure to have the job, the house, the car, the body, the hair, the suit, the style… It goes on. Thanks to one quick-thinking of an associate editor at GQ, Richard Clune, we now have a documented way to overcome all these things and put them in-step with the rest of our lives. In an extremely honest portrait of contemporary masculinity in the new book MALE ORDER: Manning Up In The Modern World, Clune takes a refreshing look at irreverent topics such as ‘How not to be a dick’, ‘A man’s guide to cool’ and ‘Don’t be that guy’ as well as more serious debates on sex, drugs, feminism, fatherhood and the very real need for men to emote and talk more freely and honestly. Complete with tongue-in-cheek narration and liberal expletives, this comprehensive guide expertly tells everything a bloke needs to know about manning up in the modern world. Get it for $24.99 from retailers or buy Male Order online here.