Tag: Chatswood Sydney

Kowloon Cafe Express opens in Chatswood, Sydney

Chinese Kowloon Cafe

Chatswood has just welcomed its latest culinary gem, the renowned Kowloon Cafe Express, which opened its doors on the 12th of January, 2024. This marks the fourth establishment under the Kowloon Cafe umbrella, breathing life into Chatswood’s vibrant food scene with its unique Hong Kong-inspired ambience and cuisine. The grand opening of Kowloon Cafe Express is not merely the inauguration of another eatery; it symbolises an ongoing commitment to delivering an authentic slice of Hong Kong, artistically curated by Howin Chui and Howard Leei. The duo, known for their expertise in crafting niche Asian dining experiences, continue to weave cultural threads from their native Hong Kong into Sydney’s tapestry, encapsulating rich traditions with every dish served. “Howin’s vision to translate the spirit of Hong Kong into every element of his cafes – from melody to menu – has been once again realised with the opening of Chatswood’s Kowloon Cafe Express,” commented Darren Kong of Kong Studios, the architectural maestro behind the cafe’s design. Passersby can step off the bustling streets into a haven of nostalgia and new memories, perfect for fast-paced Sydneysiders who still covet the pleasure of dining. The cafe’s highlights include the Crispy Butter Pineapple Bun, the equally photogenic and palate-pleasing Hong Kong-style French Toast, and an array of beverages from traditional HK Style Condensed Milk Tea to the inventive Ribena with Vanilla Ice Cream. With Chui at the helm, Kowloon Cafe Express is set to become a cornerstone of culinary excellence in Chatswood, reinforcing the suburb’s status as a go-to destination for… Read More