Attention coffee lovers! Nespresso has two new machine

Nespresso machines

Embrace the winter warmth of a cosy coffee moment right at home with two new NESPRESSO premium offerings – the Vertuo Lattissima and Vertuo Creatista. These remarkable machines are designed to deliver café-quality milk coffees with ease, transforming your kitchen into your favourite coffee shop. In line with recent studies highlighting that an astounding 91% of Aussie coffee aficionados prefer their beloved brew with milk, and a significant 75% making their coffee themselves this year, the new Vertuo range is poised to revolutionise the at-home coffee experience.

The Vertuo Lattissima and Vertuo Creatista incorporate unique milk solutions into NESPRESSO’s innovative Vertuo system. This system utilises CENTRIFUSION brewing technology to gently release the exquisite aromas and flavours from Vertuo capsules, delivering superior coffee with a generous crema.

The Vertuo Lattissima, courtesy of Delonghi, takes the guesswork out of your morning brew. With Delonghi’s Venturi system, it pours the perfect balance of milk and coffee into your cup at a touch of a button. The Vertuo Lattissima features settings for cappuccino and latte macchiato, alongside a dedicated button for that extra milk foam indulgence.

For coffee connoisseurs seeking more control, the Vertuo Creatista, designed by Breville, brings the café experience home. The machine features Breville’s automatic barista steam wand and milk jug, allowing you to froth milk like a pro. It offers three adjustable milk temperature and texture settings, making it suitable for any milk, including plant-based alternatives. It’s a gateway to limitless milk recipes and the opportunity to create authentic, Instagram-ready latte art.

Nespresso Coffee Ambassador, Mitch Monaghan expressed that milk is just as crucial as the coffee itself in Australia. “With the Vertuo Lattissima and Vertuo Creatista, café-quality milk is an integral part of the design. You can either opt for automated and precise pouring, or experiment with new recipes and latte art like a barista,” he said.

Both machines are available in multiple colours to complement your kitchen or coffee nook. They offer six cup sizes, from 40ml to 535ml, and come with an ‘Expert Mode’ for those who like their coffee strong. The Vertuo coffee range comprises 35 coffee blends from around the globe, with several capsules designed specifically for milk.

The Vertuo Lattissima and Vertuo Creatista are now available in Nespresso Boutiques and online. So, this winter, let Nespresso bring the café to your kitchen. For more information, visit