5 tips to support World Environment Day

Every three seconds, the world loses enough forests to fill a football field, and as much as 50% of our national coral reefs have been destroyed. In addition, due to our own excess waste, more than 13 billion single use plastic bottles end up in landfill in Australia alone. 

However, this World Environment Day provides a fantastic opportunity for Australians to gather together and inspire positive change in our communities, by rethinking our consumption habits, developing green initiatives and learning to live more sustainably. 

Josh Howard, CEO and Founder of cult Australian sustainability brand, Single Use Ain’t Sexy, provides his top 5 tips for how any Aussie can support World Environment Day this Saturday, without investing a large amount of money, or even leaving your home (sorry Melbourne!).  

  1. Read Product Labels 

Whether it’s the fruit or groceries you buy, or the clothing you wear, it’s important to read the labels on products you purchase. Be sure to look for clear signs the product is genuinely helping the environment and supporting safe working standards. If you’re not sure what to lookout for, a few logos include: 

  • Fair Trade
  • Australian Certified Organic
  • Forest Stewardship Council
  • Green Tick
  • Water/Energy Rating 

A full list of indicators can be found here, but be sure to understand which products are genuinely looking to help the environment, and which are just ‘greenwashing’ their branding without any real positive impact. 

  1. Use ‘Water Wisdom’

A really simple and effective way to help look after your environment, is to use Water Wisdom. We’ve all heard of the 2-minute-shower rule, but don’t forget that you use water for a multitude of other reasons, including cooking, washing machines and watering the garden. Simple ways to reduce the amount of water you use across the board include eco-washing cycles, choosing low-water appliances and picking items for your garden that thrive in drought-like climates, like Australian native plants.  

  1. Lights Off, Sustainability On! 

While I would recommend switching to an energy provider that is more eco-conscious like Powershop, unfortunately many Aussies don’t have a say in who they use. So, a very easy way to reduce your carbon footprint is by turning those lights off! When you’re finished in a room or leave home, flick that switch. Not only will it help you save money, but you will also reduce your household energy usage levels – it’s win win! 

  1. Eat Your Leftovers 

This is not just an excuse to eat more, I promise! Aussie households throw away more than 2.5 million tonnes of edible food each year – food wastage is a huge problem for our country. Not only does this most often end up in landfill, but it also means increased work for our farmers – which results in higher energy, fuel and water use. My biggest encouragement to Aussies would be to use food wisely; ensuring you are maximising the potential it has across your weekly meals. Eat your leftovers, meal prep and use your Tupperware to make food last longer. Reducing your food wastage consumption by a small amount, can have a huge impact. 

  1. Support Sustainable Brands & Products

In 2021, there are so many sustainable and eco-friendly options available, from clothing to hand soaps. At Single Use Ain’t Sexy, we made it our mission to create a product that could be re-used, so we developed Australia’s first dissolvable hand-soap tablet and glass bottle that can be used again and again. Just add water and wash your hands, without plastic waste. By switching to sustainable and environmentally friendly products, you can reduce your home’s carbon footprint and ensure more plastic doesn’t end up in landfill. 

We’ve also just launched a nationwide equity crowdfunding campaign so everyday Aussies can invest in our business and own a piece of a future without single-use plastic!

Josh Howard will be presenting as a keynote speaker at the Online Retailer Conference this July 21st-22nd in Sydney. For more information, please visit: https://www.onlineretailer.com/