Tag: National Gallery Artimisia

Coming to the National Gallery, a celebration of Artemisia Gentileschi

Artimisia's work at the National Gallery

Update: This exhibition has been put on hold on account of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Check the National Gallery website for more. About mid next year, the National Gallery of London will put on an exhibition that its never done before. For the first time, the work of Artemisia Gentileschi (1593–1654, or later), will hit the gallery, celebrating the life and work of the baroque Italian painter. At the centre of the exhibition, entitled Artemisia, will be the Gallery’s recently acquired Self Portrait as Saint Catherine of Alexandria (about 1615–17), which will be displayed alongside other closely related works by Artemisia for the first time since its discovery in 2017. The artists is considered one of the most accomplished followers of Caravaggio. She since accomplished a lot for a time when female artists were not easily accepted. The Artemisia exhibition will bring together around thirty-five works from both public institutions and private collections around the world. It’ll tell the story of Artemisia’s career from her youthful training in Rome, where she learnt to paint under the guidance of her father, to her formative years in Florence and her return to Rome just a few years later. It will then continue on to tell the tale of her dying father, and the establishment of her studio in Naples, where she lived for the last 25 years of her life. See the Artemisia exhibition at the National Gallery from April 2020. See more at the Gallery’s website.