Tag: managing money

Safeguard your savings – 4 alternatives to consider before dipping into your emergency fund

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If you’re reading this article then you probably need to heed this reminder: You built up your emergency fund to help you only in the event of an emergency, so unless you’ve exhausted all other options, dipping into this account should not be your go-to solution. Instead, consider the below alternatives when you’re in need of short-term financial relief.  1. Look At All Your Lending Options Falling into debt is a serious concern when it comes to borrowing money, especially when you’re already facing financial difficulties. High-interest credit cards and payday loan schemes are considered predatory lenders, so skip these and anything else that sounds too good to be true. Your safest loan option is to borrow only what you need from someone you trust, like a partner, relative, or friend. If this isn’t possible, fast small loans from a reliable, not-for-profit lender may be worth considering. These lenders are known for their transparency and may even offer complimentary financial advice. 2. Using Returns, Rebates, and Refunds Don’t panic right away if you are unable to secure a loan (or a big enough loan for your needs). Take a moment to consider what point you’re at in the financial year or if you have any refund entitlements you can put to use. If you (or your partner) have recently submitted your tax returns, perhaps using your tax-back can be a better solution as opposed to spending your emergency fund, especially if you usually allocate this money to general spending or savings anyway.  If you have… Read More

Managing your wealth: tips for everyone

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It doesn’t matter whether you have an extensive investment history or not, wealth management is essential for all. Careful planning is important to ensure you are maximising your financial potential, whilst also guaranteeing you are set up for the future – especially your retirement period. Keeping that in mind, read on to discover some of the best wealth management tips everyone should be using… Know your goals – How can you manage your wealth if you do not know what your end goals are? A vision is the starting point for all financial plans. Nonetheless, your goals need to be realistic, don’t set the bar too high. It is also unproductive to set one mere end goal. You need to determine milestones along the way as well.   Find a good financial advisor – A good financial advisor is recommended to help you manage your assets and also spot opportunity for investment. Professional assistance is a sure fire way to guarantee you have everything on the right track. Think about retirement – When it comes to effective financial planning, thinking about your retirement is of paramount importance irrespective of how old you currently are. The sooner you start planning for this period of your life the better. Have liquid assets – Aside from the points that have already been mentioned, it is also important to make sure you have liquid assets. As they say, you should ‘expect the unexpected’. Having cash stored in a safe place is never a bad idea. Seek long-term schemes –… Read More