Tag: In the middle

Australia’s got a new wine: In The Middle

In The Middle prosecco woman

As Aussies continue their quest for a healthier lifestyle, one thing’s clear: we’re keen on enjoying life’s pleasures without the nagging guilt trip. And let’s be honest, who said you can’t have your cake—or wine—and eat it too? Fourth Wave Wine is here to save the day with their latest offering, ‘In The Middle’, a wine range that’s all about balance. It’s like Goldilocks’ perfect porridge—just right. For those of us who want to enjoy a cheeky glass or two without the heavy-headed aftermath, ‘In The Middle’ serves up a delightful selection of mid-strength wines. With offerings like a lively Pinot Noir, a bright Rosé, a dry Chardonnay, a fresh-as-a-daisy Pinot Grigio, and a zesty Prosecco, this range promises all the flavour with half the fuss. With alcohol content hovering between 6-7%, you can savor every sip without the next-day regret. Australia’s love affair with lighter options is no secret, particularly among millennials who are leading the charge in reducing alcohol intake. In fact, the low-alcohol wine market is bubbling over and is expected to grow annually by 12% till 2027. Clearly, the trend is catching on faster than a beachside BBQ. Indeya Passfield, Fourth Wave Wine’s Marketing Manager, couldn’t agree more: “The mid-strength wine category is going from strength to strength, and In The Middle allows consumers to enjoy a wine at lunch or other occasions with confidence in a lighter choice.” By embracing innovative winemaking techniques, the team at In The Middle ensures that each varietal retains its regional characteristics. Think of it… Read More