Melbourne Cup grooming guide with Bryan Tiska
It’s perfectly acceptable to want to look dapper on race day, so for those heading to the Melbourne Cup this year, I’ve compiled a list of common mistakes to avoid, and provided my top tips to look sharp and sophisticated this Spring Racing Season. Preparation is key While most men skip any sort of preparation, rinsing your face with a pre-shave soap and warm water is an essential step to ensure you get the best shave. The rinse removes excess oil and dead skin cells while opening up pores and softening hairs allowing for a close, smooth shave. I recommend shaving two nights before an event, so your shave is fresh and clean, and there is no chance of irritation on the day. Stick to what you know It’s important to use a shaver that you know works for your skin. And choose a style that suits you – race day is not the time to experiment with your faical hair. I recommend electric shavers for the budding barber at home and have found the Philips Beardtrimmer Series 9000 works best for most people. It is the only beard trimmer with a laser guide so results are precise and symmetrical. It also has an LED display which shows the length setting so you’re always in control of your style. Take time for your neck When you are shaving areas like your neck, take a little bit more time. Tilt your head back and pull the lower part of your neck down to stretch the skin so the… Read More