Tag: How to see opera Sydney

Cheap opera tickets by Opera Australia: for those who want to try it

Teodor Ilincai Tosca Opera Australia THE F 4

If there’s one thing in life you need to do, it’s to see the opera. And if there’s one company anywhere in the world you need to see it by, it’s Opera Australia. We’ve written about their world class productions so many, many, many, many times which is testament to just how insanely impressive and disciple-making they are. And now, you can access world class productions for a casual 20. In a bid to encourage more people to experience grand opera, Opera Australia is offering $20 tickets to 2,000 first time opera-goers to see its upcoming production of Puccini’s Tosca, which runs from February 22 to March 13, 2021. Thanks to the generosity of the Susan and Isaac Wakil Foundation Access Program, Opera Australia is able to offer tickets for less than the price of a movie ticket to people who are yet to experience the magic of live opera. For more and to sign up, get along to the Opera Australia website, link above.