Tag: hemp

Kiss stressed-out and blemished skin goodbye with hemp-infused skincare by Hey Bud

HeyBud skincare

Say goodbye to blackheads, acne, oily and dry skin with Hey Bud’s hemp-infused skincare range which is packed with all the good stuff, including gamma-linolenic acid, the most effective natural ingredient to regulate your skin’s moisture. Hey Bud was born out of frustration from skincare products that didn’t deliver, prompting the three business partners and founders – Ollie, Fedele and Alex – to come up with a product that delivered positive results after countless experiments and research.  They found the magical properties of hemp were key to reducing inflammation and common problems which affect many of us such as blackheads and acne. Hemp, which is a strain of the Cannabis Sativa plant, has specific natural oils that are not produced by the body, but are fundamental in skin health, helping with aging skin and moderating oil production. For more information on the benefits of hemp and to explore high-quality hemp products, visit Spruce. Hey Bud’s popular Australian Hemp Clay Mask helps to detoxify the skin while drawing out impurities and oils. The mask also helps tighten skin, which is helpful for those with enlarged pores. The mask is packed with essential nutrients from the hemp seed oil, as well as other ingredients such as almond oil, matcha, avocado oil, goji, aloe vera and kaolin clay.  How to use the Australian Hemp Clay Mask: STEP 1: Clean Start with clean dry skin & apply with clean fingers. Avoid eyes (duh) & apply an even layer across your face. STEP 2: Let it soak – Let the natural… Read More

Wait, you eat Hemp? Here’s the lowdown on the latest superfood

Hemp pesto

Until November last year, it was illegal to eat hemp foods in Australia. Since the legislation change, hemp has hit the mainstream market and can be found in all health food shops, supermarkets and on restaurant menus. For those of you new to the world of hemp foods and wondering what the hype’s about, I spoke to the guys at Hemp Foods Australia, the largest Australian certified organic hemp food wholesaler, retailer, manufacturer and exporter in the southern hemisphere. Here’s a 101 to get you up-to-speed. Hemp is NOT marijuana Both sit under the Cannabis Sativa L umbrella but there’s one major difference. Hemp doesn’t contain any amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – the psychoactive function of marijuana – to have any effect. If you smoked hemp, the only effect you’d feel is a headache! Hemp is a nutritional powerhouse The easiest way to eat hemp is the shelled hemp seeds. These tiny ‘superfood’ seeds pack the highest source of polyunsaturated fats (Omega 3 & Omega 6) of all food sources and contain the ideal ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids. These omega oils cannot be made by the body and therefore are deemed essential and must be consumed via diet – the ‘good fats’ that promote cardiovascular health and combat bad cholesterol. The seeds alone contain 30% protein and are celebrated as a complete protein. They are hypoallergenic so easily tolerable for those with food sensitivities and contain high amounts of soluble and insoluble fibre. How do you eat it? The seeds… Read More