Tag: Best men's boots

Get better boots: Julius Marlow, but not like you remember them

Crystal Sole Julius Marlow boots brown 2

As we gradually move away from the calendar summer months and take a trip to autumn for another season, it’s almost time to bring the boots out of storage and shake the dust off. But if like most, your boot-care skills are left wanting, then it might be the time to invest in some new, comfier options by an oldie-but-a-goodie; Julius Marlow. Known as the go-to in department stores around the country, the JM brand is back with a new boot for the season that uses some flash new technology: the Crystal Sole. Crystal Sole is packed with quality materials, curating the perfect work shoe. Boasting a functional sole, offering flexibility, extra grip, and ultimate durability, in this latest Julius Marlow’s Crystal Sole Work technology, the outsole has a new slip-resistant feature. With the help of Julius Marlow, Crystal Sole will be your best shoes yet this year. With genius technology in focus, The Crystal Sole Work collection is tailored to meet the specific needs of hospitality workers.The range features a professional look, and with a slip-resistant component added to Crystal Sole tech, it can be worn in the kitchen, front- or back-of-house areas. The design of the shoes is intended to provide comfort, durability for those who are on their feet for long periods of time, as well as slip-resistance for those sticky situations. Curious? So you should be. In brown, black and low cut for your more dressy occasions, they’re every man’s must-have this season. Here’s more info: