Tag: Australian car reviews

Test driving Toyota Fortuner GXL: Going bush the right way

James Banham playing with a dog next to the Toyota Fortuner

Sometimes you just need some ‘you’ time. And what’s the best way to get it? Getting the hell outta Dodge and heading for the sticks, of course. Sure, throw a bath in there, some bottles of red and cheese and you’ve got a top-notch weekend away to soak up that R&R, but it’s how you get there that really sets the pace for the final destination. Enter the Toyota Fortuner GXL. It’s an SUV with enough go under the hood to make the journey pretty effortless – and fuel efficient – enough comfort and suspension to give you the allusion of cloud-like driving and enough space for you to basically live in, if you forgot to finalise your payment for that AirBnB in the mountains you loved. MORE: What the Toyota Koba mini SUV is like to drive We’re going to take a look at how the Fortuner tops off a trip up to terrain that your little city buzzbox might have a meltdown over. The look At first glance, the Toyota Fortuner is big. Very big. But, with size comes safety and with safety comes a stress-free drive, which is what you want when tackling anything from winding mountain roads, to tight inner-city corners. It’s a complete 7-seater with two retractable rear seats to stick any additional kids you might wind-up with, friends on a night out, bags or pets. They even fold up conveniently for the times you don’t want to feel quite like you’re at the head of a people mover while… Read More