Tag: 4 trendy ways to go eco friendly in 2020

4 trendy ways to go eco friendly in 2020

Reusable water bottles

The sad and harsh truth about today’s society is that we’re destroying our beautiful planet. We’re now living in 2020, and now is the best time to begin making changes to help live a more eco-friendly life, which, in turn, will help slow down the deterioration of the earth. While you may not be able to make catastrophic changes to the planet alone, every little effort you make will make a difference. Not sure where to start? Here are some trendy and effective ways to go eco-friendly in 2020. Switch to vegan meals at least once a week Veganism is about much more than not eating anything that comes from animals – it’s a lifestyle choice. Being a dedicated vegan means refusing to use anything harmful to the environment in any way. Don’t worry; nobody is forcing you to become a devout vegan; we’re merely suggesting to sub in a vegan meal once a week to reduce damage to the environment. There are many delicious and fulfilling vegan meal ideas out there, so don’t be afraid to experiment! Ditch the car as often as possible We all know how harmful cars are to the environment, yet we continue to use them to commute around day in and day out. Consider ditching the use of your car now and then and switching it up. You could try alternative methods of transport such as: Public transport is easy and relatively cheap to use.  Electric bicycles are much better for the environment and reasonably cheap to run compared… Read More