Top reasons that people visit the osteopath

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When you were thinking about whether to book your osteopathy appointment this Christmas, you might have wondered what drives people there in the first place. Not everyone is very familiar with what exactly osteopaths do, so they might not really know what kind of problems they have warrant an appointment.

Below are some of the most common reasons people decided to consult an osteopath. 

1. Spine and Pelvis

Problems with these 2 key areas on the body are what research shows were the most common reasons people sought consultation with an osteopath. Contrary to what one might think, osteopaths are not helping countless multitudes with injuries incurred while skiing or surfing, but rather spine and pelvic injuries incurred by an increasingly sedentary lifestyle.

Sports injuries are also part of the client base, of course, but in a world where more and more people are damaging their spine and pelvis as a part of their everyday activity, osteopaths are increasingly needed for help. Their holistic approach is designed to get to the root of these problems rather than simply finding a quick fix.

2. Women’s Health

The same research that shows spine and pelvic problems being among the most complaints people take to an osteopath also reveals that by far women are more likely to seek help than men. The study revealed that of 14,000 patients reviewed, more than 8700 were female.

Women seek out osteopaths more than men seemingly because their bodies undergo many more chemical and hormonal changes through life, especially when getting pregnant. Once again, the holistic approach of the osteopath is attractive to women looking to retain balance within their bodies and also manage pregnancy discomfort and other pain in a safe, sustainable and practical way. Irritation “down there”? It might not be vaginal itch, read what it means

3. Headaches and Migraines

Some might try to tell us that we already have the cure for headaches and migraines in the form of over-the-counter drugs like paracetamol and ibuprofen. Prescription-strength drugs can also help in the more serious cases, so where does an osteopath fit in? The reality is that many would prefer not to turn to harsh medicine, instead using alternative methods that don’t come with the potential added side effects. 

Osteopaths work to understand different types of headaches and how they are typically caused. They then look at the root causes of that headache and help you make lifestyle and other changes to ensure you manage the pain more effectively.

4. Neck Pain

Some neck pain is connected with spine problems, but we’ll leave that more in the “back” category, and give the neck its own slot. The fact is that many osteopaths are called upon to deal with neck pain, both acute and chronic. For many, turning to the osteopath is because traditional methods might have solved the pain problem in the short term, but the patient wants to find a more lasting solution so that they won’t need to turn to painkillers in future, or at least nowhere near as much.

5. Scoliosis

For children, trips to the osteopath are most commonly connected with spinal issues like scoliosis. Osteopaths have proven themselves very adept and effective at identifying and treating these conditions, sometimes in conjunction with regular medical practices. Osteopaths are often more affordable, which means even poorer families can get the help they need and detect problems like scoliosis in advance.

A holistic approach for many problems

These are just a few of the reasons people call up an osteopath, but appointments for post-natal checkups, infant head problems, reflux, children’s cognitive development, colic, pulmonary problems, orthodontic problems and many others all fall within the purview of an osteopath.