Tag: Work from pub

Embrace the Buzz of #WFHospoWeek: Trade Your Home Office for Vibrant Local Venues

The Duke of Wellington Melbourne pub

Innovators in the hospitality and workplace experience sector, me&u and Third Place, are thrilled to announce the national #WFHospoWeek, a ground-breaking initiative set to revolutionise the way Aussies work. From October 16th to 20th, swap the solitude of your home office for the lively buzz of your local hospitality venue, fostering not only enhanced productivity but also improved mental health and overall wellbeing. During this special week, over a thousand venues across Australia’s cities and regional areas will transform into dynamic workspaces, offering worker-friendly food and drink specials. Iconic venues ranging from Sydney’s Republic Hotel, Melbourne’s Boatbuilder’s Yard, Brisbane’s Valley Hops, to Perth’s Valley Social, and The Island on the Gold Coast will open their doors, inviting flexible and remote workers to experience a new and vibrant work atmosphere. The #WFHospoWeek initiative is backed by compelling research by me&u that reveals a strong interest among working Australians in utilising hospitality venues as a “third space” for work. Around 58% of Australian working venue-goers express eagerness to make use of these venues if they provide suitable facilities, while 60% would prefer such venues for meeting colleagues or associates during work hours. This revolutionary concept of the “third place” is further underpinned by independent research carried out by Third Place. The study indicates that on average, workers utilise these venues two to three times per week for an average of one to three hours, often returning with family and friends. An overwhelming 86% of workers find that ‘third place’ hospitality venues contribute positively to their overall wellbeing,… Read More