Tag: national buy aussie day

Today is National Buy Aussie Day

National Buy Aussie Day

Research shows that Australians prefer to buy Australian products and today – National Buy Aussie Day which is held on 1 October – is the retail sector’s initiative calling on consumers to support small Aussie businesses that have faced two years of uncertainty during the pandemic as well as the bushfires and floods in 2019/2020.  There are 2.2 million small businesses across Australia, with the sector accounting for almost half of Australia’s entire workforce, which is in excess of 5 million workers, and just under 60 per cent of total employment growth in the private sector. “In the way that Singles Day in China and Black Friday in the United States have become landmark shopping days, we hope October 1 will forever be our National Shopping Day, supporting Aussie owned businesses producing Aussie made goods,” said Mr White. “When small businesses thrive, so does the Australian economy, and therefore it follows that we create more jobs at home and profits stay here. I think we all want to look for ways to support each other right now and this is a simple mechanism. So, let’s stop and shop Australian, and make it a permanent shopping switch.” Small business makes up one-fifth of the entire national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and contributes to more than a third of all production across the country. National Buy Aussie Day founder, Chris White is hopeful every Australian will do their bit on the day whether it is $2, $20, $200 or $2,000. “When small businesses thrive, so does the… Read More