Tag: homemade cocktails

Margarita mix ESTAMOS is here to help shake things up at home

Estamos margarita mix

Spring is in the air, the days are starting to get longer and it’s the perfect time to enjoy a refreshing margarita! While margaritas with friends by the beach is something we can hopefully look forward to in the very near future, a temporary solution is homemade margaritas made with tangy and unprocessed margarita mix ESTAMOS.  What makes ESTAMOS stand out from other margarita mixes? The key to a perfect margarita is fresh and quality ingredients, which underpins this brand’s philosophy.  The birth of ESTAMOS Pre-lockdown, ESTAMOS founder Britney Chu identified a gap in the market when a few friends organised a margarita night and a guest turned up with a cheap and cheerful store-bought margarita mix. Not enamoured by the thought of drinking the sugar-filled, neon-coloured beverage, the group ended up going to the market for fresh produce and spent the evening squeezing limes, on a quest for fresh margaritas. “There was nowhere to get a fresh margarita mix that wasn’t packed with added sugars, preservatives, or ingredients you couldn’t pronounce. So, I decided to test my theory and bought garden-fresh ingredients, hand-squeezed the mixers and filled them in glass bottles from the local discount bazaar,” said Britney.  The following weekend, Britney announced on Instagram she was making local deliveries for fresh margarita mixes and was pleasantly surprised by the high demand. By December 2020, ESTAMOS was made available at BWS Bondi Beach. This guilt-free mix is now available in five stores and online, where customers can enjoy local delivery within 10km of Sydney. … Read More