Tag: Greener living

Ways to make your home more eco-friendly

House home

These days, everybody is getting more and more eco-friendly. As we worry more about global warming and the changes to our planet, we’re all starting to think of ways that we can do our part to fight against climate change. You may think that you’re only one person and you can’t do much but the truth is that if we all do our part in our small way, we can help make a huge change. Here are some tips on how you can make your home more eco friendly. Install Solar Panels First it’s time to install solar panels, which will provide you with completely clean electricity. Although you may think this is expensive, it’s a good idea to compare solar panel providers to see who can provide the best deal for you and your home so that you get exactly what you need. Also you should remember that this is a one time expense that will save you a lot more money than you’re spending in the future. Depending on where you live, you can even make money from your solar panels as you can sell energy back to the grid – it’s a long term investment that may pay you back sooner than you think. Cut Out The Plastic We’re all trying to use less plastic these days, so why not at home as well? Make sure you decline plastic bags at the supermarket – take your own reusable ones instead. Single use plastic is a big no-no, and we should all be… Read More