Tag: Garden guide

Make the most of your garden

Melbourne Flower Garden Show 3

When renovating your home, the garden is often the last space you think about doing up. When you’re focussing on the inside, the outside can be overlooked. But a well-designed and styled garden can be a beautiful extension of your house, and become a space you can enjoy all summer. Here are some quick tips to get your garden summer ready and up to the standard of the rest of your house. Image from Pixabay Think About How You’ll Use Your Garden What are you going to use the garden for? Do you want a space for the kids to play, or somewhere to entertain friends in the evening? Are you someone who enjoys gardening or are you looking for something more low maintenance? Will you be growing flowers or vegetables? When you’ve decided on what you need the space to do, you can plan a design. You can prioritise a lawn for games, a patio for seating or a space for a vegetable garden. Be realistic about the space you have to work with. If you have a small garden, priortise the things you want most instead of trying to pack in a design that’s better suited to a large garden. Don’t set your heart on growing your own vegetables if the soil is poor quality and you usually can’t keep a cactus alive. If your children use the garden to play rugby, don’t fill the space with delicate plants that can’t survive a ball landing among them. Image from Pixabay Mark Your Boundaries… Read More