Tag: Exam time

School daze – 5 tips for surviving the pressures of exam time

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When you are in the midst of final exam time at school, it can feel as though your whole life is riding on these few weeks. People often give up exercise, socialising and family time while they shut themselves away in this room frantically cramming for the all-important tests. So, how can you get through the stress and pressure unscathed? Here are a few tips to help you on your way: Ask for Help If you are struggling in a particular subject, then now is the time to ask for some assistance. Sometimes you need someone new to take you through a concept and explain the topic in a different way to give you that breakthrough moment that you need. You can find HSC, QCE, and VCE tutors (or any other final-year acronym you need) available online, who specialise in preparing you for end-of-year exams. They will take you through the areas where you are struggling, set you practice questions, and offer tips and advice to help you remember the critical points. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare This point may be the most tedious and unwelcome piece of advice that you will receive, but the earlier that you start your prep, the less stressed you will be once exam time rolls around. Try to break your study into manageable components that can be completed one at a time. Set yourself a daily or weekly target, muster up all of your self-discipline, make yourself a sticker chart if you have to, but make sure you are taking small… Read More