Home renovations: things to consider

Mother watching daughter hammer nail into wood trim

Home renovation is one way to ruin your summer. But if you’re careful, you might just get it right.

You’ll need a giant pad and a sharp pencil. You’ll need friends and family to keep you on track. It won’t be easy alone. Also, you’re going to need work clothes (see https://fxdworkwear.com.au for options) to make sure you stay safe while being able to move freely – old clothes are fine for painting a wall, but for bigger tasks, you need hard-wearing work clothes that are up to the challenge. Let’s look at other things to consider.

Map the cost

Humans are party animals. We love to dive into our plans and splash around in the deep end before we eventually realise we should have stayed in the shallows for longer. Home renovations can be a disaster if you jump in without contemplating the true cost of your venture.

Materials, workforce, spare cash for when things go wrong, vehicle hire, waste removal, and hiring any necessary outside help such as electricians and plumbers can all take their toll.

Break down your expenses into visible columns relating to each mini-project. For example, if you’re building a free-standing garage, major elements might include the foundations, the walls, and the roofing.


Destroying local wildlife habitats is not only clumsy and inconsiderate but in many cases illegal. You need to speak to your local officials (e.g., town council) for advice on safe planning before you accidentally wipe out the last breeding grounds of the critically endangered hipparoo or the lesser spotted rhinocerpig. Or something.

OK, that’s maybe being a touch too comical for a serious matter. But you’d be surprised how many animals you could disturb by adding bricks and mortar to your real estate. Roosting bats and other furry creatures of the night may rely on the zone you intend to demolish for feeding. Changing the landscape can change more than just the price of your house, it can change the fortunes of the critters that call your plot their home


Rome famously wasn’t built in a day. In fact, if you’ve visited the city in recent years, you’d come away with the notion that it’s still not finished. The colosseum could use a lick of paint for a start.

But there’s ancient wisdom in the message that failing to plan is planning to fail. You need dates. People need structured time slots. If you don’t know what’s happening on Wednesday but you’re pretty sure that by Friday you’ll be ready for the next step, prepare for endless bumps in the road.

You can’t carry out home renovations on a whim. It simply won’t work. You have the choice and the time now to map out a diary of events that will drive you toward the finish line. Make use of the time. Create a flow chart or a poster if you have to. You are in charge. And only you will be to blame if things go wrong because you tilted at windmills (which is an old way of saying you jumped in and got it wrong).