Theatre review: Invocación at Sadler’s Wells

InvocacionBolera JesRobisco 11

If ever you wanted to know what an eardrum throbbing 24+ sets of Spanish castanets sound like for an hour, then Rubén Olmo’s “Invocación” at Sadler’s Wells is for you.

Performed by Ballet Nacional de España, is an ambitious blend of four distinct pieces that encapsulate the richness of Spanish dance. The evening unfolds with ‘Invocación Bolera’, which revives the 18th-century bolera dance, a fusion of traditional Andalusian folk and classical styles. The opening transports us to a 1920s MGM melodrama with its castanets-led performance and Goyesque costumes. It’s got Hollywood flair that showcases what it is to choreograph en masse.

When second performance ‘Jauleña’ begins, there’s dramatic lighting design by Ginés Caballero and Felipe Ramos that highlights the dancers’ movements beautifully. It’s not a purely flamenco rendition and does an alright job of combining styles to a fairly contemporary backing track.

Invocacion ballet

‘Eterna Iberia’ comprises five movements showcasing refined technique with castanets, Spanish capes, and Cordobes hats. The lighting design by Nicolás Fischtel evokes the essence of Degas’ ballerina paintings, while the music by Manuel Moreno-Buendía recalls Manuel de Falla’s El Amor Brujo. Although the costumes by Yaiza Pinillos are fitting and beautiful, the dancers again show their ability to command the stage with choreography that is more an exercise in ‘cape-ography’ and costuming generally.

An intermission resets the narrative and in the second half of the show a band appears for ‘De lo Flamenco’, which is a triumph, featuring live music that breathes life into the production and invigorates the performers.

Noelia Ruiz delivers a breathtaking solo in ‘Taranto’, and the dynamic group number ‘Cinco Toreros’ embodies the vibrant and energetic spirit of flamenco, immersing the audience in the atmosphere of a ‘Taberna del Puerto’. This segment showcases the best performances of the evening, getting the show back on track with the true feeling of Andalucian dance and Spanish spirit. Definitely worthwhile.

Rubén Olmo’s Invocación plays at Sadler Well’s Theatre until 15 June 2024. Further information and bookings can be found here