Why an independent school might be the right choice for working parents

The decision of where to send your child to school is no small matter, especially if you’re a working parent who doesn’t have the luxury of being home with your child during the day. This makes choosing an independent school an appealing option, as it allows you to work while still providing your child with both academic and social development that only an education in an independent school can provide. The decision, however, isn’t without its challenges—let’s take a look at why choosing an independent school may be the right choice for working parents like you.

The benefits of being home while your kids are

There are plenty of benefits to being home with your kids while they’re growing up. For one, you get to witness all of their firsts. You’re also able to instil your values in them from a young age and be more involved in their day-to-day lives. Plus, you can save money on childcare and have more flexibility with your work schedule. However, being a stay-at-home parent isn’t right for everyone. It may not suit your personality or career aspirations. In this case, it’s worth considering some of the best independent schools as a good option for working parents. Unlike many public schools, independent schools offer early drop-off times that allow parents to start their workdays earlier. They also provide flexible schedules so parents can better juggle responsibilities at home and at work.

The sacrifices you make with public education

As a working parent, you already have a lot on your plate. The last thing you want to worry about is whether or not your child is getting the education they deserve. Independent schools offer all the benefits of public schools without sacrificing quality. For example, at Fairview elementary school in Colorado Springs, 92% of their graduates go on to attend top colleges and universities each year. With this sort of success rate, it’s hard to argue that public schools are worth sacrificing for any other option. So what are you waiting for? Choose your perfect independent school toda. Independent schools give parents everything they need:

A proven track record

Growth opportunities for students

A unique learning environment with a sense of community

A curriculum that offers both critical thinking skills and creative expression

The benefits of private education

Private schools offer a variety of benefits that may be appealing to working parents. These schools often have smaller class sizes, which can lead to more individualised attention for students. In addition, private schools typically have a more rigorous curriculum, which can prepare students for college and beyond. Another benefit of private education is that it often provides opportunities for extracurricular activities, such as sports and music programs. Finally, private schools can offer a sense of community that may be difficult to find in public schools. As reported by The Telegraph, research has shown that students at independent schools are better able to ‘identify with their peers’ than those who attend state-funded institutions. For many families, these benefits outweigh the cost of private school tuition. However, not all families will be able to afford this type of school, so every family’s situation should be taken into consideration when making this decision.

What to do when public school isn’t working

When public school isn’t working, parents have a few different options. They can homeschool their children, send them to a private school, or look into independent schools. Each option has its own set of pros and cons, but for working parents, an independent school may be the best choice. An independent school is able to work with families’ schedules more flexibly than other schools, meaning that you don’t need to worry about making sure your child is there every day at 9:00 am sharp. It also gives you access to resources like after-school care, summer camps, and programs like SAT prep that many public schools don’t offer.