What you can do after work at home

The way a person spends his time after work is closely related to his productivity during labor as well. This statement, most likely, will not be a discovery for you. After all, it is largely rest that determines how efficient you are. And vice versa – long concentration on work tasks leads to “burnout” and accumulation of fatigue. Therefore, it is important that the rest is not just present in your daily regimen, but was “right” – with a change of activity and emotional reset. So, what to do after work, so that it meets these criteria? Below is a small checklist of activities, as well as a few tips that will help you avoid “burnout” and make your free time richer.

Online games

One of the easiest and most effective ways is to immerse yourself in other worlds. You can choose any game based on your mood and preferences. Fed up with everyone at work? Start killing zombies. Love gambling and want to socialize with other people? Then play pokies. The choice is huge and you can change it even every second.

Meet with friends

Have coffee with friends or colleagues at a bar near work/home, go shopping, go dancing, go bowling or just go for a walk. Alternatively, invite guests home, play board games, etc. Remind yourself of the old world truth that man is a social creature. And make a choice in favor of spending time with friends, rather than going home to the TV or laptop with countless series, because this is a great way to lift your spirits after a hard day and emotional discharge.


Are you still bookmarking and leaving books on your hard drive or shelves that you once intended to read under the influence of a momentary rational impulse? Stop and start reading! So you will not only develop your imagination, exercise your memory, but also learn to enjoy the syllable, the author’s writing style, and you will be able to better know yourself through the inner world of the characters. This is the most universal advice, which any person striving for development should follow.


Another item on the “for all occasions” list. Exercise allows you to shift your attention, unwind, release emotions, radically change your activity (relevant for those who sit for most of the working day). The content itself can be anything – home workouts with tips from video bloggers, running in the park, at the stadium or on a treadmill in the gym/home, dancing, yoga, swimming, playing soccer. Along with these activities, you get rid (at least for a while) of stress, anxiety, and forget about work. Your body produces endorphins, responsible for the feeling of happiness. In addition, an undoubted advantage is that you pay attention to your health and appearance, while remaining active and versatile.

Training on courses

It is obvious that nowadays these are not classroom courses, where you go to listen to a lecture or attend a master class (although they should undoubtedly also be present in your training program). You can learn anything from knitting to basic robotics from the comfort of your own home, thanks to online courses. With them, you can both tighten up your knowledge on almost any topic and learn a subject of interest from scratch.


Cooking can be a great way to distract yourself and even meditate. That said, we don’t encourage you to spend all evening at the stove, because delicious doesn’t have to mean complicated. The simplest dish of simple foods can keep you focused on the process. You can invite friends over and treat them, so you get a 2-in-1 pastime. What if you’ve never cooked? This is even better. Find a couple of recipes online and take on a new activity – distraction and a new experience are guaranteed.

Spending time with family

How long has it been since you stopped by your parents’ house? Have you helped your wife/husband? Have you cooked breakfast/dinner yourself (read the point above)? Worked on homework or played together with your child? The answers to these questions are the best ideas for spending time. Why? It’s simple – the main aspects of our lives are often overshadowed at work. This should not be allowed – you have to try to keep a balance. Therefore, taking time is the first rule.

A walk in the fresh air

Your brain needs oxygen. And your body needs exercise. At least minimal exercise. These are such platitudes. So if you still haven’t joined a gym or started running (and even if you have or have been doing it for a long time) – take a walk in the park. At lunchtime, after work or before. Enjoy the birdsong, the contemplation of sunlight through green foliage, and the serenity of the moment. Or simply (without all that romance) walk a few kilometers, trying to breathe fully, leaving aside your usual worries. It will be an impromptu meditation, “switch”, and in general useful.


Try not to forget the things you were passionate about in school/university. You certainly had a hobby. Did you build model airplanes, take pictures, paint beautifully, play guitar? Or have you always wanted to but never tried your hand at something. Well, there’s no better time than now to do it. Revive your old hobbies or learn something new. 1-2 hours a day, a couple times a week instead of the usual computer or TV – the pastime can be much more varied.

Listening to music

In psychology there is such a direction as “music psychology”. One of its tasks is the study of the influence of music on the human psyche. But in order to realize that music can affect our mood, be closely related to experiences and emotions, you do not need to be a scientist. You probably know songs or compositions that motivate you or, on the contrary, produce a calming effect. So we can do a kind of music therapy for ourselves. It all depends on personal preferences. Whether you go to a concert, go to the Philharmonic, or play the right playlist on your home audio system, singing and dancing along, is entirely up to you.


Putting your thoughts in writing not only has a therapeutic effect, but also allows you to develop your creativity. Keep a diary, whether it’s a notebook, a notepad or a text file on your PC. Don’t exercise eloquence, don’t try to write ornately – write as best you can and in the order in which your thoughts arise. Be honest and open – and the diary will help you to understand yourself, to look at some problems from different angles, to weigh all pros and cons in the process of making an important decision. It will also help you to calm down and fight stress.