Top 5 tips to the perfect poutine by the Stuffed Beaver restaurant

If there’s one of the best exports from Canada the world needs to know more about, it’s poutine.

Potato chip, cheese curd and gravy, it’s possibly the best creation of food ever since the damn of time (opinion) and something you can even try cooking at home now thanks to the Crows Nest masters of it, the Stuffed Beaver in Sydney.

Here are their top 5 pro tips to making the morsels.

1. Make sure your Dam gravy is the right consistency.  It should be medium thickness so it pours nicely just like nana did on her roast veggies
2. Make sure you use Dam thick cut fries like steak fries and make sure you cook them dam well done so they are Dam golden and crunchy.  That way they will retain the crunch to the end!
3. Make sure you use a Dam good quality cheese like a fior de latte mozzarella or even buffalo mozzarella if you feel like a Dam tasty gooey experience. You can make you own cheese curd if you like!
4. Pimp your dam poutine!  You can pimp It with anything!!!  Try the 3 little pigs with chopped Frankfurt, crispy bacon and pulled pork!!  You will be a dam happy little piggy at the end of that meal.
5. Remember not to burn your dam mouth when you eat on them. Blow little piggies!

Or if you can’t be bothered giving it a DIY job, try celebrating Canada Day with the masters of it this July.


Celebrate Canada Day at Stuffed Beaver – Australia’s favourite Canadian Bar – serving up their all-time specialties:

$10 Poutine

$13 Bloody Caesars

$30 bucket of 6 Coors

$8 Molson Canadian Lager


Stuffed Beaver Crows Nest: 419 Pacific Highway Crows Nest

Stuffed Beaver Bondi:  271 Bondi Road, Bondi


Sunday 1 July from 10am until late