The Aussie Approach: 5 Ways Australians Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is the ultimate goal for those who spend most of their day selling their time and services to survive. While it can seem unachievable when you’re stuck spending eight hours of the day chained to a desk (or worksite if your job is on the physical end of the spectrum), there are some strategies you can put in place to improve your work-life balance. To establish a healthy balance, get cracking on the following steps your fellow Aussies are already taking:

Working Close to Home

It’s well recognised that working from home allows for better work-life balance when compared to commuting and spending the day in an office. The problem is that not everyone has a workable space in their home. 

This is where decentralised office spaces come in. Whether you opt for Abbotsford office rentals and other CBD-adjacent spaces or a suburban serviced office that’s closer to home, this tactic can save you from the commute while still giving you all the professional facilities you need. When you don’t have to go into the city every day, it’s easier to establish balance between your personal and professional lives. Likewise, when your work isn’t scattered across your kitchen counter, it’s easier to avoid blurring the lines between work and home. 

Meal Prepping

Aussies love meal prepping and meal kit services – and with good reason. By spending less time planning what’s for dinner and cooking each night, Aussies can find more time in the evening to do the things that they love. Meal kit services create automatic variety, and meal prepping is a great way to improve the health of the meals you’re consuming. This is another important factor in work-life balance – if you’re feeling better physically, you’ll naturally feel better mentally.

Setting Boundaries 

Having boundaries around the hours you will work and activities you engage in with colleagues is key to maintaining work-life balance. While some companies certainly frown upon workers who are only present for the hours they’re getting paid, this strategy is one of the most crucial ones when it comes to protecting your energy and time. By not being available outside of your set working hours, you’re better able to switch off and achieve that elusive work-life balance.

Focusing on Self-Care

Making self-care a priority is the key to work-life balance for many Aussies. When taking care of yourself is a priority, you naturally start to put strategies in place to improve your work-life balance. Of course, self-care takes time, so it’s a good idea to start with things that take minimal time or can be done while completing other activities. Five minutes of meditation, a thrilling audiobook you can listen to while doing the dishes – even small things like this count. So think of a few things that could enrich your life, and add them into your daily habits. 

Taking Their Leave

Many companies close for at least two weeks over the Christmas period, and this affords Aussies the chance to take some of their leave without having to worry about returning to a mountain of work. There are also laws in place that protect Aussie workers’ rights to take their leave at other times throughout the year. With these factors combined, Aussies tend to feel comfortable taking a few weeks’ leave at a time, which is incredibly beneficial for their mental health. 

Work-life balance is critical to your personal well-being and professional performance, so the pursuit of it is definitely a worthy one. These strategies will help, but it’s important to discover what works for you so you can avoid burnout and stay healthy. Good luck.