Sydney Dance Company’s 2020 season: What it’s all about

Sure, it’s been 50 years of Sydneyside choreographic magic at the hands of Rafael Bonachela, but this forthcoming 2020 season is the last in a long line of awesomeness that takes them into the new decade.

Next year, the Company’s exploring the thrill of pushing boundaries, both on stage and what they can do with the power of it, by partnering with other choreographers. The likes of William Forsythe and Bryce Dessner and Melanie Lane will join the resident director, Bonachela on an array of works, archival and new.

Works along the lines of WOOF by Lane and ab [intra] by Bonachela will be presented as part of the lead-in to the next fifty years of dance magic at the hands of the Sydney Dance Company.

As Bonachela says, “I look at 2020 as the start of the next 50 years for Sydney Dance Company. The year ahead is filled with national and international touring and it is always a great pleasure and privilege to share the performances of the extraordinary dancers of the company.”

Keep your eyes on the Sydney Dance Company website for works coming up and how to get tickets.