Quick distractions to reduce stress

Having a stressful mind can be pretty exhausting, and it’s not remotely rare as one may think. Stress makes us unproductive, unmotivated, and, overall, it sucks. Luckily, tons of quick distractions can be valuable tactics for coping with stress and anxiety. And, quite frankly, redirecting your mind to more positive things is a key ingredient to happiness in life. 

Generally, you’ve probably heard that facing your problems head-on is a way to go and that maneuvering over some stressful situation is not the right thing. However, sometimes, distracting ourselves and shifting our minds to a different headspace can be more efficient in coping with stress. 

With that said, the first step in managing your emotions is to recognise the sources of stress in your life. Three of the most common physical signs of stress are:

  1. Trouble sleeping
  2. Headaches
  3. High blood pressure

Concentrating on two things at the same time is very hard. Therefore, if you find yourself flooded with distressing thoughts, the best thing you can do to eliminate a negative image is to replace it with another, more positive thought or activity. 

Depending on how and when you use it, distraction can be both a curse and a blessing. Personal technology distractions like video games and online casinos in Australia can give us the ability to detach from stressful situations from time to time, which can go a long way. 

#1 Exercise

Although it might seem contradictory, exercise is one of the most efficient things you can do to combat stress. And, while this may not be your first option, it’s important to know that putting physical stress on your body through working out can relieve mental stress. 

With that being said, the benefits are strongest when you exercise regularly. It’s well known that people who exercise regularly are less likely to experience stress and anxiety than those who don’t.

The reason why exercising is one of the best distractions when it comes to reducing stress is because it helps release endorphins as well as lowers your body’s stress hormones like cortisol in the long run. 

Additionally, exercising can improve your sleep quality as well as make you feel more confident and competent in your body, which will boost your mental wellbeing. 

#2 Get some Fresh Air 

Getting some fresh air is and will always be an excellent stress remedy. So many people are working inside of a building and getting stressed out by a variety of factors in their workplace. And spending time outdoors with natural scenery has been proven to improve our moods and overall health. 

Furthermore, scientists have actually discovered physiological evidence that suggests spending time outside reduces stress. Taking a walk in nature will help your brain produce endorphins. 

Additionally, if you get tired of walking, you can always take a break, sit back and enjoy the beautiful sight and fresh air. And if you feel a little frisky and adventurous, you can take out your phone and play some games at an Australian online casino

#3 Make Time For a Hobby 

One of the best ways you can distress yourself is to find a hobby. Find something you normally love doing and take some time out of each day to pursue it. This is a great healthy distraction and an outlet to ease stress. Doing something that you love will help your days pass in a more meaningful way. 

Studies show that those who engage in physical leisure activities for at least 15 minutes once a week are less susceptible to fatigue. And people with busy and stressful lives need hobbies more than the average person. 

Hobbies provide a slice of responsibility-free time in your schedule. It can be good for people who feel overwhelmed and need to recharge their batteries by doing something they enjoy. 

Additionally, having hobbies is also great for people who are under-stimulated because it can provide meaning and fun that will break up a boring schedule and boost your productivity.