Price of lettuce too crazy? Here are 4 ways to cut down your supermarket shop

Three words: price of lettuce.

If ever there’s been anything unseen before, it’s this. It’s understandable given droughts, flood, climate change and war in Europe, but it does beg the question, how can I save on my weekly shop?

I’ve got you sorted. Speaking with pal Nick Drew, founder at WeThrift, there are some tips they helped reveal ways Australian supermarket shoppers can reduce your costs and avoid your balance being excruciatingly high at the checkout.

  1. Avoid purchasing pricier brands and switch to supermarket own brands instead

“Many of us will stick to the brands we know and love including supermarkets such as Woolworths, Aldi and Metcash. These stores are constantly producing brand-inspired products which look and taste pretty much the same as the real thing, but at a fraction of the cost.

“For those who are set in their ways, and only willing to eat their favourite branded goods (e.g. Vegemite and Anzac Biscuits), it’s worth remembering  that cheaper, own-brand groceries are shown to be better for you as they have less fat, sugar, salt and calories than pricier alternatives!”

  1. Time your supermarket trips wisely

“Try to time your supermarket trips for when your local stores are likely to have just added yellow ‘reduced’ stickers to stock that needs to be sold that day. Making the most of these heavily discounted deals will help you to fill your freezer up with discounted meat, fish, and freezer meals for cheaper food options in the coming days and weeks.

“Normally supermarket workers will start discounting products that are about to pass their sell-by-date later on in the afternoon or early evening,  so a food shop after work is the perfect time to grab a  bargain.

“Many supermarkets also have clearance sections where products that cannot be sold at their RRP or may have damaged packaging can be found. Just make sure to check you are happy with the item and that the goods aren’t compromised before heading to the checkout.”

  1. Take advantage of loyalty schemes

“Loyalty schemes like Flybuys and Everyday Rewards allow customers to build points over time, with customers benefiting from money-off vouchers and other rewards that can contribute to future shops.

“Another advantage of Clubcard is the sufficient amount of products on the shelves that are discounted down from their original price. Instantly you will feel yourself knocking money off your basket price.”

  1. Shop your items in a particular order to help budget

“A trick which can help many shoppers is starting your shopping in the more expensive aisles, e.g. meat, fish and alcohol, and work your way to the more affordable aisle, e.g fruit and veg, tinned foods, so you can keep a better track of what you’ve spent and factor in a budget.

“Many local Australian supermarkets now have integrated Tiliter’s tech into their self-checkouts and POS, offering their customers the most advanced way to shop by scanning their own items on the go, which is really helpful for knowing how much your basket price is up to so you aren’t getting a shock at the till.”