Melbourne cafe: Repeat Offender in Elwood back with a bang

Elwood in Melbourne is idyllic. Popular, but chill; quiet ,but bustling; friendly, but cool. Which is exactly why Elwood local, Repeat Offender is back with a bang this summer.

With a whole new menu and a brand new look to the venue, Repeat Offender’s bringing back all the joy that existed in the local area before being forced to shut down for nine months thanks to the pandemic.

Running at full capacity and delivering its most flavoursome menu to date – which also happens to be 100% gluten-free – it’s the new cafe to visit for quality plates of truffle tacos, chorizo croquettes and jackfruit fritas. And much more.

Oh and for those who are in the mood for a little more adult beverages choices; two words: there’s margaritas.

Think: nine unique flavours to sip on including coconut, spicy and grapefruit to take the edge off a long week. Or put the edge on the next one to come.

To make a booking, see more of the menu or just check out what’s in-store, head to the Repeat Offender website